Tonic Conference 2024

Tickets on sale NOW!
We’ve come out of a time of unprecedented change into a time of uncertainty and challenges on multiple fronts. Tonic Conference 2024 is an opportunity to come together to connect, share ideas, and strengthen each other Together Towards Tomorrow. Alongside covering a range of aspects of running an organisation, a focus of Tonic Conference is sharing practical ideas and insights for looking after yourself, the most important starting point for focusing on tomorrow.
Date and Venue
- Date: 7-8 November, 2024
- Venue: Plymouth Hotel, New Plymouth
Ticket Prices:
- Early Bird Tickets – the early bird catches the worm so grab your Early Bird ticket for just $414 (per person incl GST) available until 30 September 2024. Standard Tickets are $459 on sale from 1 October 2024.
- Tonic Members enjoy early bird pricing the entire time – grab your ticket for $414 per person (incl GST).
- Networking and Nibbles – optional – but lots of fun! Add one on to your Early Bird or Tonic Member ticket for $40 per person (incl GST)
- Are you a Taranaki-based organisation? You may qualify for a subsidised ticket – drop us a line to enquire
For booking terms and conditions and cancellation policy click here
“Absolutely grateful to be amongst such amazing like-minded people. My favourite conference ever. Thank you Exult for being such great hosts. Looking forward to next year!”
“Great to meet new people, great to be here for two days to feed my soul”

2024 Speaker Line Up

Keynote Speaker - Lani Evans
Lani Evans (she/her/ia) is a for-purpose founder, leader and director. She has spent the last decade leading philanthropic organisations and holds multiple governances roles across philanthropy and community development. She is co-founder of Fundsorter, an AI tool to support faster, easier and more equitable grant applications and Share Collective, a non-profit distributing dividends from a charitable share portfolio. Lani is Executive Director of Generous Ventures, a 2024 Equitable Futures Fellow, a past recipient of the Winston Churchill Fellowship, an honorary member of Philanthropy New Zealand and was awarded a New Year’s Honour for services to social enterprise. Lani lives in an intergenerational, multi-whānau household and is proud māmā to two children

Keynote Speaker - Simon Cayley
Simon is CEO of Bishop’s Action Foundation. BAF is a catalyst for change, enabling and supporting community changemakers to launch ideas that challenge inequity and create lasting solutions to social issues. Simon has extensive governance experience. He is currently Deputy-Chair of Wild For Taranaki, is a trustee of the Access to Justice & Wellbeing Trust and is a Director of Catalyst Housing Ltd. At a national level, Simon was Co-Chair of Hui E! Community Aotearoa and Chair of the NZ Navigator Charitable Trust from their inception through to 2020. Simon is also an accredited mentor with The Mentoring Foundation of New Zealand. He has an MPhil through AUT which focused on governance in the community sector and also holds Post-Graduate Diplomas in Development Studies and Public Health.

Keynote Speaker - Trent Hohaia

Keynote Speaker - Tiri Porter
Tiri (Ngāpuhi, Te Ātiawa) is the Chair of the Waitara Taiohi Trust. Their vision, He puna wai koropupū ko Waitara – A place of refreshing where taiohi are woven, whole and winning. Their purpose, He pūrengi mātou he tautoko i ngā pou taiohi – To awhi taiohi in building a deep sense of belonging, identity and confidence. Their programmes serve as spaces for taiohi to connect with seasoned youth workers and mentors, fostering meaningful relationships that inspire confidence and instil a sense of responsibility. Tiri is also Chair of the Waitara Food Bank Pataka Kai, He Rau Oranga Trust-Waitara Night Markets and North Taranaki Sport and Recreation Incorporated. Tiri is also a Trustee of the North Taranaki Healthcare Trust and Sustainable Taranaki. Her focus is to apply a Māori lens to strengthen and equip organisations to be the best they can in achieving their vision and mission.

Keynote Speaker - Nicola Ngarewa
Together Towards Tomorrow
Nicola (Ngāti Ruanui, Ngā Rauru, and Ngā Ruahine) was appointed chair of the Te Kura Board of Trustees in July 2022. She is currently the principal of Spotswood College in New Plymouth and previously held principal positions at Tamatea High School and Patea Area School. Before her role at Te Kura, Nicola served as chairperson of the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand. With a diverse background spanning early childhood, primary, secondary, and tertiary teaching roles, as well as teaching in prisons, Nicola has a strong passion for authentic learning. She is committed to disrupting the educational norm through transformative leadership, guided by Te Tiriti o Waitangi and a future-focused vision. In 2013, Nicola received a Sir Peter Blake Leadership Award for her transformative work at Tamatea High School. In 2016, she was named Taranaki Daily News Person of the Year for her transformative impact at Patea Area School, which later received the National UNESCO Award for Education – Global Citizenship in 2018. Nicola is married to Wayne Cribb, and together they have two daughters.

Keynote Speaker - Sue Kohn-Taylor, The Mental Fitness Company
From Doom & Gloom to Hope & Optimism
Sue Kohn-Taylor is the founder of The Mental Fitness Company, known for her passion for life and unwavering optimism. A dedicated advocate of personal growth, Sue’s philosophy is grounded in mental and emotional fitness and finding silver linings in every challenge. With extensive experience in 1:1’s, group coaching and workshop training, Sue’s relatable and practical approach has earned her recognition in New Zealand, Australia, and internationally. Sue is a familiar face on television, a respected columnist, and a sought-after speaker. In 2024 Sue won a Silver award at the Women Changing the Worlds Awards in London, presented by the Duchess of York. She observes that life in its current form, is causing us to be more stressed and anxious. We have complicated what it is to be human, interacting in a modern complex world! Sue is dedicated to helping others cultivate their optimal selves and create a positive impact on the world around them.

Keynote Speaker and Workshop Presenter - Rachel Klaver, Identify Marketing
The power of storytelling
Rachel Klaver loves a good story. Especially if it’s going to help you get the attention of the right people. She’s worked with over a thousand small businesses and organisations helping them with marketing strategy and content marketing coaching. She’s the author of 28 books, with her more recent one Be a Spider, Build a Web detailing how to build an effective content marketing strategy. Her podcast Confident Content helps small business owners work out how to create content that attracts, and converts their ideal clients.

Keynote Speaker - Julie Fairfield, The Workshop
Systems Change: Using narratives and frames to shift mindset
Julie is a strategic communicator who loves how a good story can shape our thinking and actions. Julie is committed to making it easier to talk about the big issues that impact our collective wellbeing – so that our whānau and communities can thrive. Julie enjoys sharing her skills and experience gained over 20 years of working in social marketing and public sector communications. She works collaboratively and loves learning and contributing. Julie is focused on creating change for a better future for everyone.

Workshop Presenter - Fiona George, George Consultancy
Exploring Wills and Bequests
Fiona’s passion is helping community groups develop the skills and knowledge that will help their associations grow and prosper while increasing the connection and satisfaction of members. Fiona enjoys using the myriad of skills she had developed over her career to make a positive difference within communities. After leaving Banking and spending more than a decade studying and working in fundraising, specialising in the bequest and major donor space, Fiona saw the potential to make a significant difference at the grassroots level. With the knowledge of bequest giving being a game changer for regional organisations, sports clubs, community groups, churches and schools Fiona wanted to make this information available to them.

Workshop Presenter - Helena Weideman, Point Positive
Re-set, Re-energise, Results
After experiencing career-mom burnout, navigating an international move, and facing sudden job loss, Helena turned to the transformative Happy for No Reason® programme. With over 20 years in corporate Learning and Organisational Development, she now brings together her specialist experience in high performance with her personal experience and study of happiness and wellbeing to work with teams and individuals who are tired, overwhelmed or burnt out or going through change. Her fun and engaging workshops and coaching give you the inspiration, energy and confidence to go from struggling to supercharged!

Master of Ceremonies - Paul McGregor
MC extraordinaire
As a trained lawyer, Paul has done everything but practise law. He’s worked in government, managed and chaired community organisations and co-led a collaboration consulting firm. In all these experiences, he noticed that many people struggled to connect, engage and collaborate. Now he works with leaders who want to create an inclusive environment for high performance. Paul recently recorded the last episode of his podcast Beyond Consultation and is now working on his next book Leading Questions. He writes a popular weekly newsletter and shares free resources at When Paul’s around, expect lots of curious questions, a few stories, a laugh and a smile – especially when the conversation is a difficult one.

Workshop Presenter - Shay Starrenburg, Idyllic
Leveraging social media
Shay’s got a wild streak for all things marketing and knows how to make brands stand out from all the noise online. She owns the award-winning creative studio Idyllic, a studio of experts helping businesses find their vibe and communicate what makes them unique and special. Known for social media campaigns that are anything but ordinary, Idyllic takes bold to a whole new level.

Workshop Presenter - Kerri Price, The Facilitators Network
Kerri is an experienced facilitator who has been working in the public and community sector for 25+years. She is known for delivering engaging sessions which get people thinking—and doing—differently. Kerri is the founder of The Facilitators Network and is on a mission to level-up the way meetings and workshops are run in our sector. She is an avid-poster on Linked In and you can catch all her tips and tricks at For more information about The facilitators Network, visit the website

Workshop Presenter - Megan Thorn, Exult
Megan is a whirlwind of energy and enthusiasm with more than 24 years’ experience in facilitation and developing, designing and delivering training programs. She has worked with people in corporate, government and Not-For-Profit organisations all over the world. Community and Not-For-Profit organisations are her passion, working with people who make a real, positive difference in their communities. Megan focuses on supporting community and non-profit organisations at the business end of what they do. She has a real knack for delivering useful information in an engaging way, she will make you laugh and think, but most of all she will give you practical tools you can easily implement in your organisation
Keynote Speakers and Workshops
We have a range of awesome speakers and workshops focusing on areas including governance, leadership, management, fundraising, marketing, and volunteering and inspiring speakers primed to share practical and implementable ideas and tools. They’ll share those tools in the context of supporting your team, your organisation, and our sector in moving together towards tomorrow. You’ll leave conference feeling inspired, having made meaningful connections, having expanded your networks, and armed with ideas and tools you can put into practice immediately to support you in making a difference. We’re announcing new speakers regularly – keep an eye on this web page.
More speakers announced soon…

Looking for Accommodation in New Plymouth?
Accommodation fills up fast in popular New Plymouth, so it’s a good idea to book your room at the same time as you purchase your conference ticket. There are also a few events, the Taranaki Garden Festival, the Taranaki Fringe Garden Festival, the Sustainable Backyards Tour and the Taranaki Arts Trail, and happening at the same time that you can stay and enjoy
Plymouth International phone 0800 800 597 or email – only a limited number of rooms are available.
Auto Lodge Motor Inn (across the road from the venue) phone 0800 800 896 or visit
Parkside Motel and Apartments (1.7km from venue) visit or phone 06 757 5763
What makes Tonic Conference so special?
- Tonic Conference has been carefully designed to share great ideas, information, and advice without all the fluff and jargon. Our speakers and facilitators don’t just ‘know their stuff’ – they know how to deliver it in a way that is useful and engaging.
- People leave with new ideas and information and with fresh enthusiasm for their role in the community. New to the sector, or not, paid or volunteer, at the front end of doing the do, inspiring the people doing the do, working behind the scenes or the guiding hand of governance, we’re all in this together.
- The Tonic Conference environment is welcoming and encouraging. We deliberately cap numbers so that everyone has the opportunity to ask questions and get involved (if they want to of course). We want to make sure that everyone gets what they came for. We have many participants who return to Tonic Conference every year for their ‘annual dose of inspiration’.
- It’s affordable. We think it’s important that all organisations can afford to send delegates to Tonic Conference. That’s why we work so hard to keep the registration cost so low. You can enjoy 2 days of conference for just $414. That’s awesome value for money!
- It’s blimmen good! This is our 15th year running Tonic Conference and every year we are blown away by the feedback.
Here’s what our delegates have said about Tonic Conference
“The topics were highly relevant to my work and personal development and career goals. Great speakers, engaging, meeting and connecting opportunities.” Maria Jacob, Volunteer Central
“Content and speakers were incredible – will be putting it in the budget for 2023!” Sue Curtis, Dargarville Community Development Board
“I have not been to a Tonic Conference before. This was the best conference I have attended in 21 years of working in the community and volunteer sector. 90% of it I can use in my work.” Marian Dean, Age Concern