
Strategic Planning

What is Strategic Planning about?

Strategic Planning IS:

The process of envisioning the future you want and deciding on key strategies for making that future a reality.  It’s about big picture thinking and setting big picture directions.

Strategic Planning is NOT about day-to-day operations:

It’s not a plan for a million little tasks and actions – it’s about strategy. It’s about deciding what path you are going to take, what vehicle/s you’re going to use, and the critical things required to make those vehicles run smoothly – that’s all.

Strategic Planning is a BIG topic to explore. To help navigate this, we have curated our workshop content in to two big sized parts. You can tackle these how you choose. You can attend part 1 and part 2, or one not the other. 

Prefer one-on-one support? We can tailor this workshop to meet your needs. Call us TODAY
(07 5718819) or email

Strategic Planning Part 1: Crafting Your Vision and Mission

Does your organisation need a Strategic Plan, but you don’t know where to start?

Do you, your Board and your team struggle to explain your organisation’s ‘why’ in simple language?

Do people listen to your Vision but still don’t understand what you’re all about?

“A vision without action is just a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. A vision with action can change the world.” Nelson Mandela

Crafting an inspirational Vision and Mission is where you start. A powerful vision connects people with your organisation, empowers your team, provides direction and frames everything your team does. It also creates focus for your strategic plan. Take a look at your vision; does it frame your purpose?  Is it why your organisation exists? Does it explain the difference you make in your community?

In this workshop you will discover:

  • The difference between a Vision and a Mission
  • Simple questions that help clarify your Vision (why you exist) and describe the Mission (what you do to achieve your vision)
  • A step by step process for developing your Vision and Mission statements as a team
  • Ideas to ensure everyone in your organisation knows your Vision and Mission

 Learn simple and practical tips for articulating your Vision and Mission for real impact.

Strategic Planning Part 2: Creating the Plan

Does your strategic plan reside in a drawer, or do you use it to make strategic decisions and guide operational plans on a day-to-day basis?

Would you like to know how to create a guiding document that’s written in everyday language?

“You’ve got to think about big things while you’re doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.” Alvin Toffler

Now you’ve got your Vision and Mission locked in, you next need to create the roadmap to work towards achieving your Vision. Strategic Planning can sound scary, but it is essential that your Board has a simple plan that they can easily refer at each Board meeting.  With a strong Strategic Plan, your organisation can make every decision with a focus on achieving your vision.

In this workshop you will discover:

  • Why it’s important to have a Strategic Plan
  • The difference between a Strategic Plan and an Operational Plan
  • A simple framework for building a one-page Strategic Plan
  • How to use a Strategic Plan to guide your organisation

Learn how to develop a clutter-free, jargon-free document that guides genuine big picture thinking.

Workshop Delivery Options:
Available both privately and publicly

  • In Person
  • Online Zoom

Prefer one-on-one support? We can tailor this workshop to meet your needs. Call us TODAY (07 5718819) or email gillian@exult.co.nz

Want to know more? Fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you. 

Strategic Planning Workshop

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