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Last updated February 2, 2017

Although a long weekend is a wonderful treat and a great chance to relax, often returning to work the next week means trying to cram 5 days’ worth of jobs into 4! So here are a few tips for making the most of the time you do have and ensuring you actually relax and enjoy the long weekend.

Plan Ahead
You know in advance there is a short week coming (although I have no idea where January went!) so try to subconsciously manage your workload in the lead up to it. On the Friday afternoon make sure you plan ahead, and list all the things you need to do, and all the things you want to do. That way you can totally switch off knowing you are coming back to some seriously organised stuff.

Urgent vs Important
Use the Eisenhower Matrix to establish what needs to be done now, and what would be valuable to have done soon. Managing your time more efficiently helps everyone in the office and you would be amazed at how much more you will achieve overall.

Know When to Cut
Sometimes it just ‘aint gonna happen’ and you have to take a deep breath and let it go. Knowing when to say no is often the hardest part about prioritising, but it will mean you can focus on those jobs higher up your list with a clean head and less stress.

Rosie Julou
Rosie is the General Manager at Exult and works behind the scenes planning, organising and making everything run smoothly.  She is passionate about working in the community sector.

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